Okay so what i have learnt is that the 'Liebster award' is to raise awareness for the smaller bloggers who have less than 200 followers and to get to know new bloggers in the community! I was nominated by the beautiful girls Molly & Steinhard Check out Molly's lovely Blog here: http://www.mpbeautyx.blogspot.co.uk/And check out Steinhard's brilliant Blog here: http://steinhardlive.blogspot.co.uk/
By >Catriona
Merry Christmas! Okay, so since Christmas has just passed it is nearly the end of boxing day i thought i would share with you guys what i got up to this Christmas... (cute little candy cane chocolate hearts, thanks to BBC food :) I chose this outfit as i though Tartan was a very Christmassy colour, I bought
High Street Christmas Jumpers 2014!
High Street Christmas Jumpers 2014!
By >Catriona
Christmas cookies in Harrods, London Hey Guys! Only 17 days until christmas! Eeek! I absolutly adore Christmas, i think it's the best time of the year with all the decorations and the kinder nature of people and the general atmosphere. Anayway today i have decided to share with you some of the High street Christmas jumpers that are on offer and
November Topshop Outfits
November Topshop Outfits
By >Catriona
Winter is here!!! Winter has finally arrived...yay!! Which means the start of frosty mornings, steamy hot chocolate, cosy blankets, fireplace, twinkly fairy lights,Candles, hats and gloves. And the final thing which I hope is coming soon...SNOW!! Anyway, getting a bit carried away there but I just adore winter (except rain, eww) Anyway so i was recently in Topshop
October Favourites!
October Favourites!
By >Catriona
Happy November!!!! So, even though it's already November I'd like to share with you guys the great products that I have used up in the past month. I'm still not sure about starting a YouTube channel at the moment, I would probably love to do it but I'm not sure whether its for me, but anyway lets get
Company Bloggers Style the High Street!!
Company Bloggers Style the High Street!!
By >Catriona
So last week, I got the opportunity to go to 'Company's Blogger Style the High Street'' in London. I had an amazing time and got inspired whilst watching the fashion show and meeting new people and other fashion bloggers. High street brands where modelled and the outfits where created by different fashion Bloggers. It was such an enjoyable evening and i
Bonfire Night Outfit!
Bonfire Night Outfit!
By >Catriona
Happy November!!! Fireworks, Sparklers, rainy days, cold mornings... It's definitely November and since November is finally here, means Bonfire Night here in the UK. I still cant believe that the year is gone so quickly!! Christmas in a month and a bit!! Now that its November i thought i would share my Bonfire night outfit with you guys...
September Favourites!
September Favourites!
By >Catriona
September Favourites is finally here!! (and a bit late sorry!) I thought I would do my September favourites with you as September was an awesome month for me as it was my 18th Birthday (yay!) and I used some fantastic products throughout this month which I am going to share with you... L'Oreal Paris "Le Blush - Rose
Autumn/Fall Nail Polish!
Autumn/Fall Nail Polish!
By >Catriona
As the end of September is nearing, I have decided to share with you my five favourite nail colours for Autumn because the seasons have changed, the shades of nail polish has changed too, allowing for more neutral shades and 'autumny' colours! The pictures above are all the nail polishes that i absolutly adore so far this autumn
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Student- 19- London
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